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How to change post excerpt length in wordpress – Manual SEO tricks

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How to change post excerpt length in wordpress – Manual SEO tricks

Did you know that you can Manually set word limit from 55 to any number you like, for each small WordPress post excerpt?

Interested in optimizing your WordPress SEO? You have to ask yourself, why should I bother to limit post excerpt length on WordPress? Are excerpts bad for SEO? Should I manually set a larger custom content length for my WordPress Blog Posts? What’s for me if I show more or less than 55 words at my post excerpts? The answer is simple… Better SEO! Since content is the king, showing in your front page more text, which might contain more SEO oriented words as keywords, the advantage is in front of your reader’s eyes…a few more words, bolded, may catch his or her glimpse!

Moreover, search engines crawl a richer text in keywords, which eventually leads to new traffic! Be careful, you must include in the text excerpt  your top SEO keywords, at the first 100 words, but be cautious not to stuff too many with the same meaning. Try to be natural to the reader. Avoid keyword stuffing, which is a bad practice for SEO.

What is the Post Excerpt in WordPress (WordPress excerpt length)?

An excerpt is a small part of a single post, that links to the full article. It is used to attract the interest of your readers and make them more willing to press the read more button, in order to read further about your posted article in your blog. It helps to highlight key points of your content, as sometimes a title is not enough to get your audience’s attention. By default, WordPress uses a small piece of text around fifty-five (55) words, but this can easily change to any number you like.

How to Change The Default Post Excerpt Length In WordPress.

Find your functions.php and include the following piece of code:

/* Manually set word limit from 55 to any number you like(I set to 120 words), of each small excerpt at blog page */
function my_excerpt_length($length) {
return 120;
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');

If for any reason, the above code doesn’t work, you should contact the developer of the theme you are using and ask how you can tweak the excerpt lengths for your theme. Many themes (especially premium themes) have their own built-in functions for excerpts to allow for greater control.

It is always good to change the default excerpt length to make the excerpt somewhat meaningful so that the users can understand the content just by looking at it.

Photo attribution : Image by Werner Moser from Pixabay for wordpress excerpt length

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Jan 2025
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Photo credit Image by Pixabay

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... Any published article or post on SEO is valid. You can follow any posted recommendations to fix your code in order to get a better score on GTmetrix or PageSpeed Insights. Whenever I find time, I continue developing my website.

Also, if you have a new SEO technique or want to publish a fantastic new SEO strategy online that converts into leads or sales, especially in the e-commerce space, please contact me and I will host your (strictly relative) article, with all proper credits to the author, for at least one month.

Moreover, I will be especially happy if I receive from you an email related to search engine optimization in Greek, which is my native language. Of course, I can provide you with any help you need and it concerns SEO in Greek or creating websites, since I have developed the Wordpress theme that you literally read from scratch. If you are an SEO specialist in Greece, share your opinion with me! So do not hesitate to contact me, I am waiting for you for any advice, question or suggestion to improve my site or anything related to SEO in Greece.

My message in Greek
Θα χαρώ ιδιαιτέρως, αν λάβω από εσάς email σχετικό με search engine optimization στα Ελληνικά, τα οποία αποτελούν τη μητρική μου Γλώσσα. Φυσικά, μπορώ να σας παράξω οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια χρειαστείτε και αφορά SEO στα Ελληνικά ή δημιουργία ιστοσελίδων, μιας και έχω αναπτύξει το Wordpress theme που διαβάζετε κυριολεκτικά από το μηδέν. Αν είστε SEO specialists στην Ελλάδα, μοιραστείτε την άποψή σας μαζί μου! Μην διστάσετε, λοιπόν, να επικοινωνήσετε, σας περιμένω για οποιαδήποτε συμβουλή, απορία ή πρόταση για βελτίωση του site μου ή οτιδήποτε σχετικά με SEO στην Ελλάδα.

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